
Solicitors Regulation Authority

1. Dispute Resolution

1.1 Scope

All claims, complaints and disputes arising out of or in connection with the Services (“Disputes”) will be resolved pursuant to this paragraph.

1.2 Complaints Procedure

1.2.1 We hope you will have no complaint. To underline how seriously we take complaints, we have a set Complaints Procedure which can be summarised as follows: If you have any complaint or observation (good or bad) about our service, please say so. Raise any complaint first with the Fee Earner assigned to your matter, including any complaint about your bill. If this does not resolve it satisfactorily, tell the Supervising Partner responsible for your case. If this does not resolve it satisfactorily, contact Yousaf Khan, the Complaints Handling Partner nominated by the practice to ensure prompt and thorough investigation of any complaint. You will receive a response within 48 hours from the Complaints Handling Partner (or designated person) and a full response within 14 days. Please quote our full reference. He/she will then open a file for the complaint and commence our formal Complaints Procedure (a full copy of which is available on request).

1.2.2 We hope this will resolve any query before it becomes a problem. However, if you are not satisfied by the end of the internal complaints procedure you do also have the right to refer any complaint to the Legal Ombudsman who can be contacted at Legal Ombudsman, PO Box 6806, Wolverhampton, WV1 9WJ, telephone 0300 555 0333. Any complaint to the legal ombudsman must be made within 6 months of the date of our written response to you. Ordinarily, a complaint must also be made within one year of the act/omission or one year from when the complainant should reasonably have known there was cause for complaint without taking advice from a third party.

1.2.3 Kindly note that you have the right to object to your bill by making a complaint to the appropriate body referred to above and/or by applying to the Court for an assessment of the bill under Part III of the Solicitors’ Act 1974 and, if all or part of our bill remains unpaid, we may be entitled to charge interest.

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