Everyone finds themselves walking at some point during the day. Unfortunately, pedestrian accidents are a growing concern in the UK. According to the Department for Transport (DfT), pedestrian fatalities increased by 6% in 2023.
Let’s analyse the causes, prevention strategies and legal rights of those who are affected by pedestrian accidents. Our knowledgeable team of personal injury solicitors at Claim Time is always here to fight for your rights and guide you through the legal processes.
Common causes of pedestrian accidents in the UK
The majority of pedestrian road accidents in the UK are caused by driver negligence. Drivers may be distracted by electronic devices, or they may be speeding and ignoring pedestrian crossings, which can lead to accidents. Sometimes the driver is drunk or drugged and fails to obey traffic rules and regulations which can result in road and traffic accidents.
Inadequate road infrastructure which includes poorly designed roads, lack of pedestrian crossings, insufficient lighting, and unclear signage can all contribute to pedestrian accidents. Occasionally, pedestrians can be distracted by their phones or by jaywalking, and ignoring traffic signals can lead to accidents. Additionally, adverse weather such as rain, fog, and snow, or poor visibility at night can worsen the conditions for both driver and pedestrian making it difficult to drive or walk.
The impact of pedestrian accidents on victims and families
The aftermath of a pedestrian accident can be devastating for both the victims and their families. The physical and mental injuries can leave a traumatic impact on the victim’s life. Physical injuries can range from minor cuts to life-threatening conditions and often require extensive medical care, rehabilitation and sometimes lifelong care. In addition to this, the mental toll of such incidents can lead to anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorders which may delay the recovery period of the victim.
Pedestrian accidents can also lead to extreme monetary implications. Medical bills lost wages and property damages which can create a financial strain on the victim. The family of the victim also suffers as the incident disrupts their daily routine. They often need to provide care, support and sometimes financial assistance, thereby adding to existing stress.
How to prevent pedestrian accidents
Here are some ways in which the pedestrian accident attorney at Claim Time suggests preventing pedestrian accidents and minimising risks
For pedestrians
- It is important to educate both drivers and pedestrians on safety rules and regulations to avoid road traffic accidents. Always follow the rules of the road and obey the signs and signals.
- Carry a flashlight or reflective clothing or try to walk in light at night or in dark conditions to stay visible.
- Stay alert and avoid any distractions such as using your phone or any other electronic device while crossing the road.
- Always make sure to cross the street at the zebra crossing and look for the cars in all directions.
- Avoid alcohol and drugs while walking because it might impair your abilities and your judgment.
For drivers
- Make sure to abide by traffic rules and regulations.
- Watch out for the pedestrians all the time.
- Be extra cautious while driving in hard-to-see zones.
- Never drink and drive.
- Watch out for blind spots while crossing as there might be pedestrians whom you might not be able to see.
Legal rights of pedestrians in the UK
If you or someone you know reside in the UK has been involved in a pedestrian accident, our personal injury solicitors are here to protect your rights and the compensation you deserve. Here are some rights of pedestrians to consider when seeking compensation:
- If the accident is caused by driver negligence, the victim can seek compensation which will cover all the medical bills, lost wages and emotional distress. The Claim Time Solicitors is one of the leading firms in the UK, personal injury attorneys here are experienced in handling pedestrian accident claims. We operate on no win no fee policy, which ensures that there is no financial risk in your claim, and you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
- One of the most important things in establishing liability is gathering evidence which includes reports from the incident, witness statements and photos and videos of the accident.
Protect your rights and strive for the compensation you deserve. Get support from our experienced personal injury attorneys to file a pedestrian accident claim and start your progression towards compensation. You can contact our personal injury solicitors’ team at 8009702727. You can also reach us online through our website by scheduling a callback from our experts. Our team will review your claim and gather the pertinent evidence, including a discussion with medical specialists and witnesses. We deal with the complexities and ensure you receive the justice and compensation you deserve.